Christmas is the most magical time of year, especially for kids. What better way to welcome your new baby daughter to the world than giving her one of these cute Christmas names for a girl?

Christmas Girl Names
Choosing the right name for your little girl is the first decision you’ll ever make for her – and it’s one of the most important ones. If the newest member of your family is due to arrive around Christmas, or maybe you just really love the festive time of year, why not look at some Christmas girl names to see if they might fit?
There are so many Christmas names for girls to choose from, ranging from subtle and charming to festive and fun. What better way is there to give your daughter a connection to the best time of year than a cute seasonal names? With Christmas names for a girl, they can carry a little bit of the holiday spirit with them all year round!
With so many options of Christmas girl names, you might need a little extra help narrowing it down to the perfect choice. Our little elves have been busy cooking up a list of the most adorable options, just for you! For little girls both naughty and nice, you’ll be able to find the perfect name for your daughter.
Christmas Names for Girls
Here we go! Take a look at each festive name and see why we think it’s perfect, what it means, and how it relates to Christmas. Hopefully, you’ll find something that fits your baby girl perfectly.
We all know that stocking staple of tangerines and clementines, and now you can give your little girl a name to match them. Known as a wintry fruit, but still just as sweet as a summer harvest, this name is a gorgeous classic that never goes out of style. Shortern it to Clem or Clemmy for everyday use, you can be sure that there won’t be many other Clementine’s in your daughter’s classroom as she grows up. Originating from France, the Latin meaning is ‘mild, merciful’, so you’d be gifting your child some angelic traits to match. Throughout the centures in Europe, the name has been given to various French and Belgian princesses, so your little girl will be in good company!
Although Christmas is celebrated by millions of people around the world from various religions, it is, at its core, a religious day for many. Remember the essence of Christmas by giving your daughter the name Faith. Even for those who aren’t religious, Faith can mean confidence and belief outside of religion. In the 17th Century, the name was also used in longer versions by dedicated churchgoers, such as Faithful, Faith-my-joy, and even Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith – but we would recommend keeping it short and sweet for modern times!
If you know the nativity story that is so often told at Christmastime, you’ll know of the Angel Gabriel. He came to Mary and told her that she was to be having the child of God, making him the messenger of the very first Christmas miracle. You could give your own little miracle the feminine version of the angel’s name. With Hebrew origins, the literal meaning of Gabrielle is ‘God is my strong man’, signaling the long-standing connection with an archangel. You can adapt it still further by adding an ‘a’ to make Gabriella, which means ‘Devoted to God’ in Italian. There are so many cute nicknames that came along with either of these names, from Gabbie to Ella or Ellie. Your daughter can really make this name her own!
You can probably guess what Gloria means: glory! Once again, this name has religious ties but is also a beautiful name in and of itself. There are lots of hymns and songs with ‘Gloria’ in them, so your little girl might well grow up feeling like songs are being sung just for her! And who knows, maybe she’ll inspire a few more of her own in her time. With Latin origins, this name is common to find in Italian or Hispanic communities but can suit little girls from any walk of life.
If you want to move away from Christmas names for girls that have religious connotations, Holly is a great choice. No Christmas scene would be complete without a sprig of holly for decoration. The plant’s red berries and green leaves naturally give the perfect festive colors, so what better Christmas inspiration could there be for a name? Short and sweet, this name first came from England and Ireland. Its origins are in an Old English word, hol lēah, meaning “the dwelling by the clearing in the hollow”. If you want to give the classic name a unique twist, you could also try spelling it ‘Hollie’.
A name that doesn’t need an explanation, ‘Hope’ brings positivity and happiness to your name choice. What more could you want for your little girl? At the end of the year, many people get reflective, so Christmas and the New Year are perfect times to bring a little Hope into your life. If you have twins and are looking for a cute Christmassy pair of names, people have often paired Hope and Faith together throughout time.
Another emotion that you can never have too much of at Christmas is Joy. First used by Puritans to encourage children to find joy in God, nowadays your daughter could be inspired by her name to find joy in anything – and she’ll definitely be able to find festive joy! Having children that are happy and healthy are all we can ever ask for, so why not incorporate those wishes into the naming of your little girl?
This beautiful name is a fresh take on Christmas names. Literally meaning light, it refers to Saint Lucia’s Day on 13th December, a popular Scandinavian celebration. The day is well-established as part of the Scandinavian winter holiday traditions, often marked with a candelit procession. Another version of Lucia is Lucy, also meaning light. Because, after all, where would we be at Christmas without the light from the star over Bethlehem?
The festive connection here should be obvious: who better to pay tribute to at Christmas than the mother of Jesus herself? Hopefully your Christmastime birth will be a little less stressful and closer to home than Mary’s own birth in a stable, but if you are having a child at this wonderful time of year, there is no greater mother to remember. You’ll also be in good company giving your daughter this name, as it was the most popular girl’s name ever in the United States.
A play on the meaning of Joy, this could a fun take on the name Mary, although it doesn’t have any historial ties to the Virgin Mother. It has Irish origins, in the form of Gaelic Ó Mearadhaigh, Ó Meardha, meaning ‘descendant of Mearadhach’, ‘descendant of Meardha’. These personal names were often derived from an adjective, in this case meaning ‘lively’ or ‘wild’. Even today, merry is commonly used in Ireland to describe someone as happy, joyful, and positive. There’s no better namesake for your little girl, especially to fill her with festive cheer!
Natalie quite literally means ‘Christmas Day’ or ‘born at Christmas’, so if you were lucky enough to get a beautiful daughter for Christmas this year, there is absolutely no better choice for a festive name. Even if your little girl wasn’t born on the exact same day, it’s still a stunning name for girls born anytime in the festive period. You can also adapt it to your preference, with versions like Nathalie, Natalia, and even the Russian Natasha. There are also plenty of nickname options to choose from, such as Nat, Natty, Tasha, Talia, and so on.
How good are your French skills? Can you already spot the festive connection? The French word for Christmas is noel, appearing in many European Christmas songs and hymns. This feminine version of Noel makes for a delightful choice of Christmas names for girls. Its Latin origins mean it actually once meant birthday, but once the biblical tale of Jesus’ birthday became well-known, the word quickly began to be synonymous with the wintry festival.
Not just reserved for little red-breasted birds, this cute name can work for a boy or a girl and definitely delivers the Christmas spirit you are after. It was traditionally a male name until the 1960s, where it grew and grew in popularity for little girls. It derives from the Germanic name, Robert, and means ‘fame’ and ‘bright’. If you think you might have a little superstar in the making, it will make for a great fit!
Hopefully that’s given you some inspiration for where to start when it comes to Christmas names for girls! Christmas is a wonderful time of year for us all, and it’s even better when you get to share it with children. Giving your little a girl a Christmas name will help her keep a little bit of that Christmas magic all year round – the perfect Christmas gift to start off her life!
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